2 min read

Gen AI End-to-end testing

Gen AI End-to-end testing

Chances are you’ve tried AI testing and are excited by its promise but something is missing in its application. 

You want to test out real-world business logic completely without any manual effort.

At KushoAI, we’ve built the first-ever native AI end-to-end testing product. 

As software becomes more intelligent and alive, complex user journeys and countless micro-interactions will be the cornerstone of good products. 

To that end, we’ve productized end-to-end testing with AI so something that required complex maneuvering, intense bandwidth, or bulky software – we’re delivering in minutes.  

Say you need to test the entire user registration flow which consists of multiple api calls, starting from checking if a user already exists for a given email, followed by the user creation, and ending with sending a notification email.

Our AI-native end-to-end testing makes it possible for you to test thoroughly while matching pace with your team’s shipping speed. 

Think about all the things you previously had to take care of - defining test scenarios, setting up test environments, executing test scenarios, evaluating test results, reporting/tracking, etc.

Now we take care of it all! We’ve built end-to-end testing in such a way that you can simply connect pieces of your testing user flows like legos. 

Let’s take you through how it works. 

Step 1 -

You can test multiple APIs needed for a business workflow and test them in a sequence of your choice. Control what information flows between API 1 and API 2.

Plus, all of the scenarios we generate are real-world and you can add your own as well. 

Step 2 -

You can test out multiple API combinations and run them instantly. KushoAI will execute all the tests instantly for you. 

Step 3 -

Once you execute scenarios in the sequence of your choice, KushoAI will tell you what went wrong in your codebase, and where you need to deploy a fix. 

Starting today you don’t need to maintain complex workflows to end-to-end test your product or buy bulky software either. 

We’ve built the most intuitive and fastest way to end-to-end test your product with AI.

End-to-end testing with KushoAI will ensure that multiple interactions are happening smoothly and that no bug reaches the end user.

As tech leaders, you can catch issues before they cause bigger and more expensive bugs or bottlenecks.

Most importantly, your faith in the quality of your releases will increase since you’ll have a zoomed-out view and a bird's eye view of your software’s behaviour in various real-world scenarios.